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How to build a Notion Integration

  1. Sign up for a Notion account, if you don't have one already.
  2. Create a new Integration by going to the Notion API page and clicking on "My integrations" in the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Give your integration a name and click on "Create Integration".
  4. On the integration page, click on "Add a new integration".
  5. Select "Internal Integration" and click "Submit".
  6. On the next page, you will see your "Integration Token". Copy this token as you will need it later.
  7. Grant your integration access to a database by sharing the database with your integration. To do this, go to the database you want to use with your bot, click on the three-dot menu, and select "Share".
  8. In the "Connections" field, navigate to "Add connections", find your integration and select it from the list.
  9. Select the appropriate permissions for your integration and click on "Confirm".

Note: A Notion database must be created using the "New page" option, not the "Add a page" option.


After creating a new account, you will have the Integration Token and Notion database ID.

Next, place these keys in the environment or configuration file:

  • WAYBACK_NOTION_TOKEN: Notion integration token.
  • WAYBACK_NOTION_DATABASE_ID: Notion database ID for archiving results.